About us

The Inter-American Union for Housing (UNIAPRAVI) is a non-profit, non-governmental international organization that brings together public and private institutions for financing, promoting and regulating housing development and urban management in the American continent.

UNIAPRAVI was founded in Caracas, Venezuela, on November 12, 1964, based on the impulse and collective interest in sharing knowledge and experiences on behalf of the housing savings and loan systems that, since the beginning of the decade of the sixties, began to emerge on the continent.

Currently, UNIAPRAVI has about 50 member institutions – including savings and loan associations, housing banks, mortgage banks, multiple banks with mortgage portfolios, housing funds, ministries or secretariats of housing, chambers and construction companies, property promoters. housing, etc. - in 16 countries: Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.

UNIAPRAVI is recognized as a Consultative Non-Governmental Organization of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and has had the permanent headquarters of its Central Office in Lima, Peru, since 1987, thanks to the Headquarters Agreement signed with the Government of Peru and approved by the National Congress of that country by Legislative Resolution No. 24,930 of October 25, 1988.
About us


Unión Lationamericana para la Vivienda
Write us for more information
+51 9963 40704, +51 9900 71233
169st Bajada Balta street, Miraflores. Lima - Peru.