Organizational Structure

UNIAPRAVI's organizational structure is made up of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the Central Office.
  • General Assembly is the meeting of its member institutions and it is responsible for the supreme decision on all matters that concern UNIAPRAVI. General assemblies may be ordinary, once a year, or extraordinary, when expressly called.
  • Board of Directors is the body in charge of setting the lines of action, general policies and programs of UNIAPRAVI. It is made up of the president, the immediate past president, the vice presidents, the regular and alternate directors of each country and the former presidents who are proposed and elected by the Ordinary General Assembly.
  • Executive Committee is the body in charge of establishing and approving the specific action and service programs of UNIAPRAVI, supervising the application of the work programs and adopting the measures required for the proper functioning of the institution. It is made up of the president, the immediate past president, the vice presidents, the regional directors and the former presidents who are proposed and elected in accordance with the Statutes. The number of regional directors is set annually by the General Assembly. The official representation of the institution corresponds to the president.
  • The Central Office is in charge of executing UNIAPRAVI programs and activities, according to the guidelines established by higher authorities. The highest authority of the Central Office is the president, its organization and functioning are established by the Executive Committee, and the development of its actions is carried out through the corresponding managements.


Unión Lationamericana para la Vivienda
Write us for more information
+51 9963 40704, +51 9900 71233
169st Bajada Balta street, Miraflores. Lima - Peru.